Cyprus – Favorable tax conditions for foreign retirees residing in Cyprus

As per Article 20 of the Cyprus Income Tax Law, a Cypriot tax resident individual receiving pension income from services rendered abroad may choose to tax this income at a flat rate of 5% on amounts exceeding €3,420 per annum or at the normal scale rates of income tax. One can choose the method that […]

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Tax benefits for Cyprus Investment Funds

Cyprus is making increasing efforts for establishing itself as an attractive investment fund center in Europe. Cyprus is regarded to be in considerable advantage compared to other countries not only due to the existence of expert and knowledgeable service providers who offer their services at a comparatively lower cost without compromising the quality of their […]

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Εκμετάλλευση ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας στην Ελλάδα χρησιμοποιώντας Κυπριακή Εταιρεία – Η λανθασμένη αντίληψη αλλά και τα διάφορα οφέλη

Η λανθασμένη αντίληψη Όπως ήδη έχουμε προϊδεάσει με τον τίτλο,  επικρατεί λανθασμένα η άποψη ότι Ελλαδίτες ιδιοκτήτες ακινήτων στην Ελλάδα μπορούν να απαλλαγούν από την υπέρογκη φορολογία ακινήτων χρησιμοποιώντας εταιρικό σχήμα που περιλαμβάνει Κυπριακή Εταιρεία. Και εξηγούμαστε. Στη Σύμβαση Αποφυγής Διπλής Φορολογίας μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Κύπρου, αναφέρεται ρητά στο άρθρο 5 πως “1. Εισόδημα εξ ακινήτου […]

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Non Domicile Investor

On 9 July 2015, the House of Representatives enacted a series of tax reforms aiming to further modernize the Cyprus Tax system and attract new investments. This article attempts to shed some light on the notion of the “non-domicile” investor and its relation with the Special Defense Tax (SDT). It is worth mentioning that the […]

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Εναρμόνιση Κυπριακής Εταιρείας Ελληνικών Συμφερόντων με τις Ελληνικές Φορολογικές Διατάξεις

Ολοένα και μεγαλύτερος αριθμός Ελλαδιτών επιχειρηματιών επιλέγουν να διεξάγουν  τις επιχειρηματικές τους δραστηριότητες μέσω Κυπριακών Εταιρειών. Η χρήση Κυπριακής εταιρείας (είτε αυτόνομα είτε ως μέρος μεγαλύτερης ομιλικής δομής) μπορεί να προσδώσει χρηματοοικονομική ευελιξία, δυνατότητα διεθνούς επέκτασης (ο κίνδυνος αντισυμβαλλόμενου, counterparty risk, μιας Ελληνικής εταιρείας είναι σαφώς μεγαλύτερος από αυτόν μιας Κυπριακής εταιρείας) και σημαντικότερα καλύτερες […]

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New tax treatment of intra-group financing arrangements

The Current Regime Up until now, Cyprus Companies were extensively used by international investors for conducting their intra-group financing activities in a tax efficient manner. This was made possible following an agreement back in 2011 between the Cyprus Tax Department (CTD) and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC). By utilizing the provisions […]

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Investing in Czech Property through Cyprus

The below article describes a simple structure for reducing tax liabilities on gains from the disposal of Czech based property investments. The Structure A simple holding structure involving a Cyprus Holding Company (CHC) and a Czech Subsidiary Company (CSC), through which an international investor (the CHC’s shareholder) can acquire exposure to a Czech-based property investment. Capitalization […]

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UK Non Resident Company Structure (Cyprus Branch)

In the below article, we examine a structure that enjoys the prestige and respectability of a UK company but at the same time is not liable to the high UK tax exposure. Summary As it is well known, UK is a prominent international business centre with a highly developed banking, legal and investment system. As […]

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